Vienna Master Class Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics is the discipline of solving physically motivated problems in a mathematically rigorous way. As such it has become an extensive research area at the intersection of Mathematics and Physics with a long tradition in Vienna as is evidenced by such illustrious names like Boltzmann, Schrödinger, and Thirring. Many of the currently studied questions in Theoretical Physics require high-level mathematical skills. In order to be prepared for research in this area one therefore needs to study a variety of mathematical methods and acquire a strong intuition for the relevant physical theories and questions.

Offering a program that ensures this education is the aim of the Master Class Mathematical Physics at the University of Vienna.

 Important Information

The MCMP is an initiative within the master programs »Mathematics« and »Physics« at the University of Vienna. It is not a master program itself. In order to join the MCMP, you need to be enrolled in the master program Mathematics or Physics at the University of Vienna. For information on enrolling for the master program Mathematics or Physics please find the necessary information there.


The MCMP constantly offers to its students the opportunity of individual counselling on issues related to studies and courses of the MCMP, master's theses and research in groups affiliated with the MCMP as well as further career plans in research. Assigning individual mentors is done by the coordinators at request.

 Aktuelle Meldungen


Talk by Luigi Roberti


Registration deadline: May 15, 2024


We welcome our new member Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Marcus Sperling (Faculty of Physics) to the MCMP.


Talk by Jörg Weber


Talk by Nils Carqueville


Talk by Maximilian Ofner