The Master Class runs the MCMP Seminar. It is a regular seminar featuring local and international advanced researchers in the field of Mathematical Physics as speakers. Students in the MCMP program are encouraged to attend this seminar. The talks are designed to introduce beginners to current research efforts and different aspects of up-to-date studies in a variety of areas in Mathematical Physics. The seminar moreover is intended to serve as a meeting opportunity to get together with members and students of the Masterclass program as well as international guests.
The dates of the MCMP seminar and possibly other interesting events in Mathematical Physics that occur in Vienna are listed in the calendar, which can be found in the following link.
MCMP Seminar
The MCMP seminar takes place on selected MONDAYS (check calendar), 15.30 — 17.00 at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (Schrödinger lecture hall), Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Vienna.
Upcoming Events
Date | Speaker | Topic |
Past Events
Date | Speaker | Topic |