2025 MCMP graduates
Elisabeth Loiperdinger
I completed my Master’s thesis in February 2025 under the supervision of Stefan Fredenhagen, focusing on conformal field theories. My research explored triality in W-algebras through an analysis of operator product expansions (OPEs) derived from the quantum Miura transformation.
My research interests are manifold, though confined to mathematical and theoretical physics, where I am actively pursuing a PhD position.
2024 MCMP graduates
Milán Rozmán
I completed my Master's thesis in quantum many-body physics in September 2024 under the supervision of Prof. Norbert Schuch and Dr. András Molnár. The thesis focused on the methods to lower bound the spectral gap of one dimensional frustration-free quantum spin systems in the thermodynamic limit. This research was supported by funding from the Vienna Doctoral School of Physics. In October 2024, I began my PhD in the research group where I wrote my Master's thesis
Mario Hudelist
In August 2024, I completed my master's degree in physics at the University of Vienna. My thesis, which explored polarisation dynamics of fiber optics in curved space-times, was supported by funding from the Vienna Doctoral School of Physics (VDSP) and conducted under the supervision of Piotr T. Chruściel and Thomas B. Mieling.
Emil Broukal
I finished my master’s degree in physics in August 2023. I worked on my thesis together with Harold Steinacker, investigating the semi-classical limit of a special class of solutions of the IKKT matrix model.
The MCMP helped me to achieve my goal of diving deeper into mathematical physics by giving me the chance to attend lectures and seminars in both mathematics and physics and connect me to the researchers working in this field.
I’ve recently started a PhD position at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna, where I study the interface of gravitational and quantum physics.
Philipp Neckam
I completed my Master’s degree in mathematical physics in September 2023. In my Master’s thesis, supervised by Stefan Fredenhagen, I investigated the construction and the consistency of higher-spin gravity theories in three spacetime dimensions, which serve as tractable toy models for string theory and the holographic AdS/CFT duality.
The MCMP gave me the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive mathematical background and sparked my interest for the mathematical structures underlying theoretical physics.
My research interests are mainly centered on fundamental questions related to quantum gravity. From October 2024 I will be a PhD student of Mario Pitschmann at the TU Vienna, studying various areas in which quantum theory and gravity intersect, an example being entropic gravity.
2023 MCMP graduates
Laurin Jonathan Felder
I finished my Master's degree in physics in early 2023. My thesis that has been supervised by Harold Steinacker investigates the extraction of the geometrical content of matrix configurations in noncommutative geometry. In particular that includes the construction and examination of an associated smooth manifold based on quasi-coherent states.
My research interests are diverse but confined to the field of mathematical physics in which I am currently searching for a PhD position.
2022 MCMP graduates
Manuel Mekonnen
I finished my studies of physics in November 2022 and wrote my master's thesis under the supervision of Norbert Schuch. The topic of my thesis focusses on translation-invariant quantum systems given by one-dimensional spin chains. In particular, I examined the conditions under which an exact and finitely generated preparation of quantum states is possible in such a setting.
Working on this project has sparked my interest in quantum information and I wish to continue studying in this field in the future.
Matti Cerwenka
I have graduated from the University of Vienna in April 2022 after having worked in the field of Higher Spin Theories for my master‘s thesis. Supervised by Stefan Fredenhagen I have studied the restrictions of gauge invariance on independent vertices of such theories. Besides Higher Spin Theories I am interested in other approaches to quantum gravity, such as String Theory, as well.
The MCMP program provides students of physics and mathematics alike with plenty of interesting courses, seminars and lectures in the domain of mathematical physics. Therefore, due to the MCMP, I have been given the tools to lay the groundwork to now be able to look into a PhD position in mathematical physics.
Julian Kupka
I finalized my Master’s thesis in Physics in Sommer 2022. My thesis, supervised by Jan Rosseel, was concerned with T-dualities in non-relativistic string theory and their implementation in a target space approach. Contrary to the case of relativistic strings, T-duality maps a non-relativistic theory maps to a relativistic theory with a null killing vector.
My current research interests are two-fold. On the one hand, I like to study problems in mathematical physics through the lens of geometry and symmetries, especially in the language of Lie groups and algebras, representation theory, as well as principal fiber bundles and G-structures.
On the other hand, I am interested in theories beyond the standard model in particular in string theory and how it gives rise to dynamic spacetime geometries, ultimately leading to a theory of quantum gravity.
At the moment, I am looking for PhD-positions throughout Europe that align with my fields of interest.
Maximilian Kraft
I am currently transforming my master thesis into a paper together with David Fajman. My master thesis was about the closed universe recollapse conjecture, i.e. the conjecture that all spacetimes of spatial topology $S^1$, $S^1 \times S^2$ or any connected sum of those will recollapse provided the positive pressure sum condition is satisfied. I also studied the case of more general spatial topologies with a negative cosmological constant for spatial homogeneous anisotropic spacetimes and could show that those spacetimes will always recollapse independent of the spatial topology.
Chiara Martyka
I finished my Master’s thesis in Physics in early 2022 where I studied the use of topological methods in hydrodynamics.
Currently, I am working on my thesis in Mathematics, where I study the topology of periodic structures, particularly in the context of zeolites, under the supervision of Prof. Vera Vértesi from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Vienna, and Prof. Herbert Edelsbrunner from the ISTA.
Aaron Hofer
I finished my Master's studies in Physics at the University of Vienna in early 2022. In my Master's thesis, supervised by Nils Carqueville, I studied topological quantum field theories with defects and tangential structures. More generally I am interested in studying the topology and geometry of manifolds using ideas and heuristics from quantum field theory as well as techniques from (higher) algebra.
Currently, I am studying the connection between spin structures on manifolds and super gradings in the algebraic description of field theories defined on them. The MCMP helped me appreciate the connections between mathematics and physics by providing excellent lecture courses and seminars on many fascinating topics.
2021 MCMP graduates
Josef Greilhuber
I graduated from the University of Vienna in 2020 with a Master's degree in Mathematics. My Master's thesis, on a regularity problem related to analysis in several complex variables, was supervised by Bernhard Lamel. Currently I am studying for my PhD at Stanford University in California. My interests in Mathematics lie in several complex variables, harmonic analysis and wave equations. The mathematical aspects of general relativity, which have a lot to do with the latter two, captivate me ever since I got to know about them in the MCMP.
Maximilian Ofner
I am currently working as a prae doc researcher for Prof. Fajman in the field of relativistic fluids in mathematical cosmology.
Liam Urban
I started my doctorate in Mathematics at the University of Vienna in October 2021, supervised by Prof. Dr. David Fajman from the Faculty of Physics and co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Eichmair from the Faculty of Mathematics. I am working on the stability of Big Bang formations within certain cosmological models.
2020 MCMP graduates
Tobias Beran
I am currently working with Prof. Kunzinger on Lorentzian length spaces. Lorentzian length spaces are a synthetic approach to Lorentzian geometry where one only remembers causality and the time separation function. One can do curvature bounds. I do hyperbolic angles (and describe their properties), try to recover a notion of spacelike distance (and describe its properties) and try to form gluing statements in Lorentzian length spaces.
Willi Kepplinger
I am now doing a PhD in low dimensional topology under the supervision of Prof. Vera Vértesi. The goal of my PhD project is to find connections between the topology of contact structures in dimension 3, i.e. non integrable plane field distributions on 3-manifolds, and Riemannian metrics adapted to them. One way of motivating the study of these structures is that there is a strong connections between the topology of integrable plane fields (i.e. foliations) and Riemannian metrics adapted to them, which has proven fruitful in low dimensional topology. Another is that contact structures (together with adapted metrics) provide examples of exotic solutions to the stationary Euler equations and Lorentzian manifolds with strange causilty properties.
Matthias Ostermann
I am a PhD student in Mathematics, supervised by Roland Donninger and supported by the Vienna School of Mathematics. In my PhD project, I explore new techniques for the global stability analysis of blowup in nonlinear geometric wave equations. Such equations capture important features of physical evolution equations, e.g., from General Relativity, where my physical interests lie. The MCMP provided to me an excellent environment for complementing my mathematical education with fascinating topics from mathematical physics.
Argam Ohanyan
I am currently doing my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Roland Steinbauer at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. My research focuses on spacetimes of low regularity and singularity theore